Friday, March 25, 2022

Can A Function Output Be Save As A Variable Python

The function is used in any programming language to run a specific block of code multiple times when require and organize the code properly. Sometimes, this requires reading the return value from the function for the programming purposes. Python functions can return both single and multiple values. This tutorial shows how multiple values can be returned from Python functions with multiple variables, objects, tuples, lists, and dictionaries. Just one additional remark regarding "Recall that a class's namespace is created and filled in at the time of the class's definition.".

can a function output be save as a variable python - The function is used in any programming language to run a specific block of code multiple times when require and organize the code properly

One should be aware that, because of this, value assigned to class or instance variable using the same function call might be different. This matters big time when using functions for initialization that are dependent on parameters that could change. The function has to accept a single argument that will be the wildcards object generated from the application of the rule to create some requested output files. Note that you can also use lambda expressions instead of full function definitions.

can a function output be save as a variable python - Sometimes

By this, rules can have entirely different input files depending on the inferred wildcards. Python functions in their rights are equal to any other objects, such as numbers, strings, lists, tuples, modules, etc. That is, they can be dynamically created or destroyed, stored in data structures, passed as arguments to other functions, used as returned values. When this anonymous function runs, the value in the input is stored in the num constant. If the entered value is not a number, an error message is printed to the paragraph.

can a function output be save as a variable python - Python functions can return both single and multiple values

The test looks at whether the expression isNaN returns true. The isNaN() function to test whether the num value is not a number — if so, it returns true, and if not, it returns false. Therefore, a sentence is printed out inside the paragraph element that states the square, cube, and factorial values of the number. The sentence calls the squared(), cubed(), and factorial() functions to calculate the required values. Both scripts and functions allow you to reuse sequences of commands by storing them in program files.

can a function output be save as a variable python - This tutorial shows how multiple values can be returned from Python functions with multiple variables

Scripts are the simplest type of program, since they store commands exactly as you would type them at the command line. Functions provide more flexibility, primarily because you can pass input values and return output values. For example, this function named factcomputes the factorial of a number and returns the result . Namedtuple is a collection class that returns a subclass of tuple that has fields or attributes. You can access those attributes using dot notation or an indexing operation. You should never use a print statement in a function definition.Although you should not mistake print for return, you may include print statements inside your functions.

can a function output be save as a variable python - Just one additional remark regarding

You should not have any statements in a function after the return statement. In general, it's a good practice to avoid functions that modify global variables. If possible, try to write self-contained functions with an explicit return statement that returns a coherent and meaningful value. There are two types of variables in Python, Global variable and Local variable. Functions are called, or activated, and while they're busy they create their own stack frame which holds local variables. A local variable is one that belongs to the current activation.

can a function output be save as a variable python - One should be aware that

As soon as the function returns , the stack frame and its local variables are all destroyed. The important consequence of this is that a function cannot use its own variables to remember any kind of state between different activations. It cannot count how many times it has been called, or remember to switch colors between red and blue UNLESS it makes use of variables that are global. Global variables will survive even after our function has exited, so they are the correct way to maintain information between calls. The following script shows how to use a list to return multiple values from a function. This is another option to return many values from a function.

can a function output be save as a variable python - This matters big time when using functions for initialization that are dependent on parameters that could change

The listFunc() function is used in the script to take two integer numbers from the user and calculate the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of these numbers. Next, these four results are returned as a list from the function. The list variable, listVar is used to store the return values and print the values. A first-class object is an object that can be assigned to a variable, passed as an argument to a function, or used as a return value in a function. So, you can use a function object as a return value in any return statement.

can a function output be save as a variable python - The function has to accept a single argument that will be the wildcards object generated from the application of the rule to create some requested output files

So far, you've covered the basics of how the Python return statement works. You now know how to write functions that return one or multiple values to the caller. Additionally, you've learned that if you don't add an explicit return statement with an explicit return value to a given function, then Python will add it for you. Since everything in Python is an object, you can return strings, lists, tuples, dictionaries, functions, classes, instances, user-defined objects, and even modules or packages. If we think of variables as a sort-of label for data values, then think of functions as another kind of label, but for code that is meant to be called at a later time.

can a function output be save as a variable python - Note that you can also use lambda expressions instead of full function definitions

Additionally, functions with an explicit return statement that return a meaningful value are easier to test than functions that modify or update global variables. To understand a program that modifies global variables, you need to be aware of all the parts of the program that can see, access, and change those variables. So, good practice recommends writing self-contained functions that take some arguments and return a useful value without causing any side effect on global variables.

can a function output be save as a variable python - By this

Python constants can be understood as types of variables that hold the value which can not be changed. Python define constant is declared in a new or separate file which contains functions, modules, etc. In this section, we'll talk about another kind of nested function – closures. These are dynamically created functions returned by other functions. To access variables and names defined in the local namespace closures have full rights, no matter whether the enclosing function has finished executing or not. It starts with the keyword lambda, followed by a comma-separated list of zero or more arguments, followed by the colon and the return expression.

can a function output be save as a variable python - Python functions in their rights are equal to any other objects

] or the list() constructor to create and return a list object. Recall that a class's namespace is created and filled in at the time of the class's definition. That means that we do just one assignment—ever—for a given class variable, while instance variables must be assigned every time a new instance is created. Users without Decrypt permissions can still manage functions, but they can't view environment variables or manage them in the Lambda console.

can a function output be save as a variable python - That is

To prevent a user from viewing environment variables, add a statement to the user's permissions that denies access to the default key, a customer managed key, or all keys. You can use environment variables to adjust your function's behavior without updating code. An environment variable is a pair of strings that is stored in a function's version-specific configuration. The Lambda runtime makes environment variables available to your code and sets additional environment variables that contain information about the function and invocation request. The way Python uses global and local variables is maverick. While in many or most other programming languages variables are treated as global if not declared otherwise, Python deals with variables the other way around.

can a function output be save as a variable python - When this anonymous function runs

The driving reason behind this approach is that global variables are generally bad practice and should be avoided. In most cases where you are tempted to use a global variable, it is better to utilize a parameter for getting a value into a function or return a value to get it out. Like in many other program structures, Python also imposes good programming habit by design. The wildcards object can be accessed in the same way as input and output, which is described above. Next we're going to be working with multiple functions, so it is worth reviewing the variable scope of global and local variables. If you define a variable within a function block, you'll only be able to use that variable within that function.

can a function output be save as a variable python - If the entered value is not a number

If you would like to use variables across functions it may be better to declare a global variable. Parameters are arguments that are typically defined as variables within function definitions. They can be assigned values when you run the method, passing the arguments into the function. A class is used with a function to return multiple values as an object from the function in the following script.

can a function output be save as a variable python - The test looks at whether the expression isNaN returns true

When the objFunc() function calls, the function initializes the object from the Employees class and returns the object to the caller. The following script shows how to use a dictionary to return multiple values from a function. A dictionary object variable named dictVar is declared inside the function.

can a function output be save as a variable python - The isNaN function to test whether the num value is not a number  if so

Three values are assigned to the variable and return the dicVar to the caller. Variables are one of the most basic elements of a programming language. It is an abstraction layer for the memory cells that contain the actual value. Global, Local and Nonlocal types of variables help the programmer to access some values entirely in the program scope, or some values that are limited to within the function. From the above program, it can be noticed that the nested function is innerfn().

can a function output be save as a variable python - Therefore

Inside the innerfn(), you saw the use of a nonlocal keyword to create a nonlocal variable. If you make changes to the value of a nonlocal variable, they reflect in the local variable. Here in the program above, you declared x as a global and y as a local variable in the same program. Then it tried to modify the global variable using the global keyword in the local function and printing both gx and ly.

can a function output be save as a variable python

Usually, when you create a variable inside a function , it can only be used within that function. That's where the global keyword comes in the play, which helps to create global variables inside the function and which can be accessible in a global scope. However, a tf.Graph cannot represent all the things that you'd write in an eager TensorFlow program. For instance, Python supports polymorphism, but tf.Graph requires its inputs to have a specified data type and dimension. Or you may perform side tasks like reading command-line arguments, raising an error, or working with a more complex Python object; none of these things can run in a tf.Graph.

can a function output be save as a variable python - Both scripts and functions allow you to reuse sequences of commands by storing them in program files

It is often expected that a function call creates new objects for default values. Default values are created exactly once, when the function is defined. If that object is changed, like the dictionary in this example, subsequent calls to the function will refer to this changed object. 3The function gets to a return statement after 2 lines are printed, so the third print statement will not run. Two printed lines, and then the function body execution reaches a return statement.

can a function output be save as a variable python - Scripts are the simplest type of program

However, this code does not print out the result of the function invocation, so you can't see it . The only lines you see printed are the ones that occur in the print statements before the return statement. The factory pattern defines an interface for creating objects on the fly in response to conditions that you can't predict when you're writing a program. You can implement a factory of user-defined objects using a function that takes some initialization arguments and returns different objects according to the concrete input.

can a function output be save as a variable python - Functions provide more flexibility

Functions that don't have an explicit return statement with a meaningful return value often preform actions that have side effects. A side effect can be, for example, printing something to the screen, modifying a global variable, updating the state of an object, writing some text to a file, and so on. The Python return statement is a key component of functions and methods. You can use the return statement to make your functions send Python objects back to the caller code. You can use them to perform further computation in your programs.

can a function output be save as a variable python - For example

Globals() returns a dictionary of elements in current module and we can use it to access / modify the global variable without using 'global' keyword i,e. This file can be embedded into the HTML document using base64 encoding and a link can be inserted as shown in the example above. Also other input and output files can be embedded in this way to make a portable report.

can a function output be save as a variable python - Namedtuple is a collection class that returns a subclass of tuple that has fields or attributes

Note that the above method with a data URI only works for small files. An experimental technology to embed larger files is using Javascript Blob object. Because the function definition maintains the same order of print() statements, if we use keyword arguments, it does not matter which order we pass them into the function call.

can a function output be save as a variable python - You can access those attributes using dot notation or an indexing operation

When a variable is either in local or global scope, it is called a nonlocal variable. Nonlocal variables are defined in the nested function whose scope is not defined. Global keyword is used to modify the global variable outside its current scope and meaning. It is used to make changes in the global variable in a local context. The keyword 'Global' is also used to create or declare a global variable inside a function. In the example below, the counter is intended to safeguard the increment of a variable.

can a function output be save as a variable python - You should never use a print statement in a function definition

However because it is a python integer and not a TensorFlow object, it's value is captured during the first trace. When the tf.function is used, the assign_add will be recorded unconditionally in the underlying graph. Therefore v will increase by 1, every time the tf.function is called.

can a function output be save as a variable python - You should not have any statements in a function after the return statement

Usually, users realize this only after seeing suspicious numerical results, or significantly lower performance than expected (e.g. if the guarded operation is very costly). A return statement, once executed, immediately terminates execution of a function, even if it is not the last statement in the function. In the following code, when line 3 executes, the value 5 is returned and assigned to the variable x, then printed. Run the following code and try making some modifications of it to make sure you understand why "there" and 10 never print out. When you call func(), you get value converted to a floating-point number or a string object. Before doing that, your function runs the finally clause and prints a message to your screen.

can a function output be save as a variable python - In general

Whatever code you add to the finally clause will be executed before the function runs its return statement. Another way of using the return statement for returning function objects is to write decorator functions. A decorator function takes a function object as an argument and returns a function object. The decorator processes the decorated function in some way and returns it or replaces it with another function or callable object. When you modify a global variables, you're potentially affecting all the functions, classes, objects, and any other parts of your programs that rely on that global variable.

can a function output be save as a variable python - If possible

In this section, you'll cover several examples that will guide you through a set of good programming practices for effectively using the return statement. These practices will help you to write more readable, maintainable, robust, and efficient functions in Python. Note that, to return multiple values, you just need to write them in a comma-separated list in the order you want them returned.

can a function output be save as a variable python - There are two types of variables in Python

The list comprehension gets evaluated and then the function returns with the resulting list. Note that you can only use expressions in a return statement. Expressions are different from statements like conditionals or loops. Variables form to be the most important aspects of any programming language as they are foundational and widely used for various purposes.

can a function output be save as a variable python - Functions are called

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Can I Put My Windows 10 Hard Drive In Another Computer

The program's cloning wizard will now take over. Look at your drives and start the migration process. Confirm that you want to proceed, and the software will let you know when it's finished. You will be able restart your PC so that he boot on the external hard drive. This will require you to access the boot menu of your computer for change the boot order.

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - The programs cloning wizard will now take over

It varies from one manufacturer to another it may be the key F8, F12 ... Know that if you have a SSD hard drive on your PC, it will be necessary to be very lively because it starts very quickly. Once you have configured your pc so that he started on the fact the device connected to the USB port, you will access the first time to Windows 10 configuration utility. When this is done you will simply access a Windows 10 session as for a internal hard drive. I'd perform a system image backup of the old drive.

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - Look at your drives and start the migration process

That won't preserve your programs or settings, but it's the only way to be sure you don't lose any data. Then install all the programs from their installation media or download the programs from the Web and install them. You'll need the activations keys to activate them. You would like install windows 10 on removable media such as a external hard drive or a USB key, but you don't know how to do ?

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - Confirm that you want to proceed

Indeed, it can be very Useful because this solution will allow you to access your Windows 10 computer on any machine. However, in order to démarrer directly Windows 10 since your external hard drive, it must be returned bootable. So for that we will show you how use WinToUSB software dedicated to'' installation of an operating system on theremovable ector.

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - You will be able restart your PC so that he boot on the external hard drive

Then we will show you that this solution can be useful in certain cases but it is not without risks. If your device has room to install 2 hard drives – most desktops and some laptops allow for this – you could use your initial hard drive as a backup drive. Then, you can use your new drive as your primary option. This allows you to keep certain cloned files on your initial hard drive, such as your Windows operating system as a backup. This is ideal just in case you encounter any issues when you install your new hard drive.

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - This will require you to access the boot menu of your computer for change the boot order

OP, every time I move to a new pc, I move the old drive to the new pc also, and install windows fresh on the new drive. Even with windows installed on it, it won't be an issue as long as you choose your new drive as the boot drive. This way you can retrieve old files as you need to without hassle. This process can take some time, depending on the clone's size and the amount of data. After the clone is complete, click Finish, shut down your computer, remove the old storage device, install and configure the new hard disk or SSD as your boot drive. After creating your backup, shut down the computer, install your hard disk or SSD drive, start the computer then load your BIOS or UEFI firmware.

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - It varies from one manufacturer to another it may be the key F8

After confirming these changes, connect your external hard disk, then power on the device. Boot from your Windows 10 install media, which will be used to facilitate the restoration of your system image created earlier. When you arrive at the Install Now screen, click the Repair computer link; this will load the Recovery Environment.

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - Know that if you have a SSD hard drive on your PC

We'll, over time operating systems do get corrupted in ways that are barely noticeable, and sometimes not noticeable at all. You don't notice a problem until Word or Excel starts acting squirrelly. It's always best to start with a fresh install on a different system and then move user files over, and reinstall specialized applications. A professional, if doing this for a customer, would seek a fresh install… it helps to keep the customer from coming back later with weird issues.

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - Once you have configured your pc so that he started on the fact the device connected to the USB port

If you are simply replacing an existing hard drive, perhaps due to failure, you can restore Windows 10 and all your programs and files from a recent image backup of the original drive. No matter your computer is Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10, you can always clone or move HDD to the new computer. Whenever we discuss cloning Windows 10 from one computer to another, compatibility and start-up issues are our top concerns.

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - When this is done you will simply access a Windows 10 session as for a internal hard drive

To avoid these worries and clone the Windows system without removing and installing disk, we highly recommend you try the "System Transfer" function provided by EaseUS Todo Backup. This tool can help you to clone Windows 10 from the old computer to the new one with a bootable disk. And it ensures a successful system boot-up from cloned hard drive on the new computer. Now, prepare a proper WinPE emergency disk/USB, and let's begin to clone a PC by creating a Windows 10 system backup. After backing up your Windows 10 PC to a USB or other storage device, it is time to install your new physical hard drive to your Windows 10 PC.

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - Id perform a system image backup of the old drive

Obviously, you will need to disconnect the power from your PC to complete the hard drive installation. After you correctly installed your new hard drive to your PC, it's time to restart and restore your device back to Windows 10. RARELY can you change the motherboard and expect Windows XP to run without problems.

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - That wont preserve your programs or settings

Fortuntely, one CAN boot from the Windows XP installation CD and select the repair option . That reinstallation preserves all programs and settings and has always worked for me. My laptop hinges broke so, I bought a new Dell laptop. I removed the hard drive from the old unit and installed it into an external drive enclosure. I would like to install everything on the old hard drive onto my new PC.

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - Then install all the programs from their installation media or download the programs from the Web and install them

I have the external enclosure and a USB cable to attach to it and to the new PC. How do I proceed to transfer all the old info onto the new PC so when I turn it on it's the looks and functions like the old did? WinToUSB is an easy-to-use software and above all free which will allow you install Windows 10 on the external hard drive. Know that it is necessary to download external software because at the moment Microsoft block installation on the removable media. With cloning, you create a 1-to-1 copy of your old hard drive. This allows you to use your PC with its Windows operating system, installed programs, and saved user preferences completely intact.

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - Youll need the activations keys to activate them

While the process may seem intimidating at first, it is the most straightforward and efficient method to copy over your operating system and files to a new hard drive. Windows 10 comes with a built-in tool called System Image to help transfer your hard drive. System Image only works if you are cloning your hard drive to a larger hard drive, so you can't use it to clone hard drive partitions.

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - You would like install windows 10 on removable media such as a external hard drive or a USB key

It also uses a process called imaging, which differs from hard drive cloning in several ways. Primarily, it creates a backup drive instead of a 1-to-1 copy. Cloning a hard drive comes with several benefits that make it an easy way to get the most out of your storage solutions. Cloning allows you to create a 1-to-1 copy of your hard drive, which is useful when you need to backup or transfer data. Even better, it also allows you to copy over your Windows 10 installation with your preferences and settings completely intact. Once you've got your backup tool downloaded, this is a great time to back up your data, just in case something goes wrong.

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - Indeed

All the tools above have a sidebar and top menu with Backup or Backup Tool options. Choose the appropriate option — again, the wording may vary — and select where you'd like to back up your files. Then, take the time to complete the process before moving on to the migration procedure. Once you have EaseUS Todo Backup installed, launch the app. You will need to connect the target hard disk or SSD to your computer where you would like to clone your Windows 10 installation. This can be done multiple ways; you can install the storage device as a local disk; or install it in a USB external enclosure, then attach it to your computer.

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - However

After settling on attaching the target disk, launch EaseUs Todo Backup, click the Clone tab. Windows 10 includes a built-in option called System Image, which lets you create a complete replica of your installation along with partitions. We already covered the steps on how to create the system image.

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - So for that we will show you how use WinToUSB software dedicated to

To back up your installation, you will need a USB external hard disk to store the image. An external hard disk with lots of storage is cheap and a recommended buy, whether you plan to perform an activity such as this or keep your system backed up regularly. I started by housekeeping the old system and creating a system image onto an external hard-drive, and a win7 repair disk just in case I needed to completely revert. I also made a Windows easy transfer file in case I had to do a clean install and reload the data/settings. It installs the drivers and other software appropriate to the specific network card, audio hardware, hard disk interface, optical drive, and so on installed in the machine. This includes drivers and settings for things you don't normally think of, like motherboard chipsets, CPUs, USB interfaces and hubs, and other low-level components.

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - Then we will show you that this solution can be useful in certain cases but it is not without risks

Windows activation is another problem in the process. There are three types of Windows license key - OEM, Retail, and Volume. If your license is retail or volume, things are not so bad. Thankfully, you can just re-enter your activation key.

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - If your device has room to install 2 hard drives  most desktops and some laptops allow for this  you could use your initial hard drive as a backup drive

OEM ("original equipment manufacturer") copy is designed to be locked to the hardware they were originally installed on. Microsoft doesn't want you to be able to move those OEM copies of Windows to another computer. If you want to move the OEM license to another computer, ask the Microsoft support team to activate the license for you. Henceforth, the installation process should go through as usual. When the computer reboots, you will have the option to choose between the two operating systems.

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - Then

Both the SSD and HDD will be available in the OS's, so you have complete access to the files. If your PC has more than one hard drive slot, you may want to leave your initial hard drive connected. This is helpful in case anything goes wrong and you need to restore a backup. You can do this with an external USB drive, which we recommended using prior to beginning the cloning process. If you have any especially important data on your drive that you plan to clone, back it up to an external drive first.

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - This allows you to keep certain cloned files on your initial hard drive

This is crucial because you will overwrite all of the data on your initial hard drive during the cloning process. You don't want to lose any of it in the case something goes wrong. Anytime you install an operating system on a drive in a PC, the windows installation will set itself up based on the motherboard devices, chipset, CPU, etc. it finds on that PC. Chances of it working flawlessly when moved to a 2nd PC are slim. Possible, but fraught with problems unless the two PCs are very similar. If you are talking about the operating system, it is recommended to make a clean installation.

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - This is ideal just in case you encounter any issues when you install your new hard drive

Windows will very likely boot and then adjust everything to the new hardware, but there is a good chance that things might not run smoothly. And when I talk about the operating system, I also mean the programs that you have installed. All other files should be save if they are stored on a separate partition or drive.

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - OP

The only problem is that sometimes, you may still encounter activation errors, which you may not resolve until you contact Microsoft support directly and explain the situation. Rather than purchase a hard drive enclosure to make an external home for a SATA hard drive you are removing, why not purchase a SATA dock. I now have 6 hard drives, including some from my desk top tower and one from an old HP laptop, that I simply pop into the SATA dock when I need information on the drive. The SATA dock accommodates all my old SATA drives. I also keep on hand an inexpensive unit that converts by old EIDE drives into USB drives.

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - Even with windows installed on it

I just transferred an old Win98 drive to a new computer as the boot drive. It works after much driver wrangling in the new system (P4 – 2.5mhz/1gb RAM). Problem is WIN 98 under the new PC is still hanging a bit and looking for the old sound card, even after the sound card was uninstalled in windows. To get rid of erroneous registry entries, figuring it would solve some of the problems of moving an old OS into a new PC.

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - This way you can retrieve old files as you need to without hassle

THe computer crashes a bit more than it did under the old PC, but my dad doesn't want to lose any data by starting with a fresh install of WIN98 on a new pc. As soon as you have generated the ISO file on your PC, you will be able format external hard drive so that it is partitioned in the same way as a internal hard drive. Please note that by performing this procedure, you will lose all of the data saved on your external hard drive. So think about them in advance save on virtual storage medium such as OneDrive. Go to Backup to backup your PC to a USB drive or other storage device. How to create a Windows 10 recovery drive is a helpful reference if you have any questions.

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - This process can take some time

Can I Put My Windows 10 On Another Computer I keep all of my essential files backed up using OneDrive, so I don't have to worry about restoring any of my files if I have to reinstall Windows 10. Virtually all new desktop hard drives sold today use the SATA interface (unless you're dealing with servers). SATA uses simple cables that are keyed to fit on the drive and motherboard connector one way.

Can I Put My Windows 10 On Another Computer

Installing a hard drive in your PC doesn't necessarily follow the same procedure as installing an SSD. If you've opted for a solid-state drive, be sure to check out our companion guides explaining how to install an SSD in a desktop and a laptop. SSDs tend to offer much faster speeds than hard drives, but hard drives offer significantly more capacity at lower prices.

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - After creating your backup

The process for installing Windows 10 on a new computer without an operating system is exactly the same as it would be if you were doing so on a computer with an operating system. The only caveat to that is that you need the installation media, whether that's a Windows 10 disk, or a bootable USB drive with Windows 10 installation files loaded on it. Getting that can be a little harder without an active PC. I for one always make a clean install when I completely replace the core hardware.

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - After confirming these changes

For that purpose I used to have a partition only for Windows and my programs when I still had a HDD. These days I have a small SSD for the OS and my programs. That way I don't have to worry about my work files, games, media, and personal files when a complete installation of Windows becomes necessary.

can i put my windows 10 hard drive in another computer - Boot from your Windows 10 install media

Can A Function Output Be Save As A Variable Python

The function is used in any programming language to run a specific block of code multiple times when require and organize the code properly....